Welcome to the Mendocino College Basic Needs Office!
Our mission is to provide students with the support programs and resources necessary to meet their basic needs, so students can focus on their academic success. Mendocino College is committed to providing an educational environment that fosters compassion and respect, welcomes diversity and supports students in various circumstances, including students in need of food and other resources.
How we can help Mendocino College students
The Basic Needs office assists students with CalFresh applications, food insecurity, housing information, transportation assistance, and referrals to other campus services. For more information, click the links below or complete the Student Interest Form and one of our staff will reach out to you with help.
If you can't find what you need or have any questions, please contact Student Life Specialist, Naoto Horiguchi via email nhoriguchi@mendocino.edu, or phone (707) 467-1081.
- Hours & Location
- Bus Service
- CalFresh
- Child Care
- Food Pantry
- Lending Library
- Local Food Banks
- Resources for Parents
We are located in the Eagle Support Center within the Lowery Student Center, Ukiah Campus.
Hours: 9AM - 5PM Monday - Thursday, 9AM - 4PM Friday (closed on Fridays during Summer Semester)
Bus Service
Bus service to Mendocino College facilities, including the Ukiah Campus, Willits and Lake Centers, is provide by Mendocino Transit Authority (MTA) and Lake Transit Authority (LTA).
Bus schedules are available at:
- Ukiah Campus, MacMillan Hall, Admission & Records lobby
- Lake Center, main lobby
- Willits Center, main lobby
Please contact your local bus service for more information.
Mendocino Transit Authority (MTA)
241 Plant Rd. Ukiah CA, 95482
Ukiah: 707-462-1422
Willits: 707-459-9038
Contact MTA
Weekday Times
- First arrival to campus 7:36 A.M.
- Last Southbound (Ukiah) departure 5:23 P.M.
- Last Northbound (Willits) departure 5:50 P.M.
- First arrival to campus 8:20 A.M.
- Last departure 4:15 P.M.
Lake Transit Authority (LTA)
881 Eleventh Street
PMB 707
Lakeport, CA 95452
Tel: 707-263-7868
Fax: 707-734-2655Email LTA
CalFresh, known federally as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP, provides monthly food benefits to individuals and families with low income and provides economic benefits to communities. CalFresh is the largest food program in California and provides an essential hunger safety net. CalFresh is federally mandated and in California, is state-supervised and county-operated.
- CalFresh benefits can help buy nutritious foods for a better diet.
- CalFresh benefits stretch food budgets, allowing individuals and families to afford nutritious food, including more fruit, vegetables, and other healthy foods.
- The amount of benefits a household receives is dependent on household size countable income, and monthly expenses, such as housing and utilities.
- The program issues monthly benefits on an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card. Food may be purchased at any grocery store or farmers market that accepts EBT cards.
Our CalFresh team is happy to assist you with all your CalFresh needs from answering eligibility questions, application assistance, and submitting documents. Please email us at calfreshoutreach@mendocino.edu.
To apply for CalFresh benefits please use our URL: https://www.getcalfresh.org/?source=mendocinocollege
The Mendocino College Child Development Center has been serving the college community since 1978. It is a child development center for children 18 months to 6 years old and is designed to serve three goals:
- Child Care
- Student Training
- Parent Education
Child Development students observe and work with children in the daily program.
The staff at the Child Development Center believe that a high quality early childhood education program will provide a safe and nurturing environment, which promotes the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of young children while responding to the needs of families. We offer a well-planned, developmentally appropriate curriculum based on individual needs of the children. We provide a consistent core of well-trained staff and referral/support services for families as a whole. The Child Development Center is operated on a non-discriminatory basis offering equal treatment and access to services without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or ancestry.
The teachers are well qualified, certified professionals in Early Childhood Education. The associate teachers have units and experience in ECE. Parents and Work Study students also assist in the classrooms. Students enrolled in Early Childhood Education classes participate in the classroom to gain experience.
The Child Development Center has one classroom-which we refer to as the Duckling room-for children who are 18 months to 30 months old. The Ducklings classroom focuses on respect for the child in all interactions and activities and sensitivity to cultural background. The teachers attend to the individual need’s, which create the important bond between child and caregiver in the absence of the parent. Routines such as diapering, toileting, eating and sleeping are considered key learning experiences for the children as well as activities in art, music, large and small motor, sensory play, pretend play, and language.
The Child Development Center also offers care for children for 2 ½ -6 years in two preschool classrooms: the Starfish and Dolphins. The program provides a developmentally appropriate approach that includes periods of child-initiated play and Teacher-directed activities. The Center staff strives to create an atmosphere in which individual needs of the children can be met in a comfortable, supportive setting. Indoor and outdoor activities include art, music, fine and gross motor activities, woodworking, dramatic play, rich language experiences, science and nature, cooking, and emergent ideas that the children develop. Healthy meals and snacks are provided in a relaxed, family-style manner, and an opportunity or rest is included in a typical day. Occasional walking field trips are taken on-campus, and community resources are brought into the classroom for added interest and exposure. The primary goal is to maintain a child-oriented, nurturing environment that is rich with variety and choice.
The Child Development Center follows the college calendar- opening the first day of classes and closing the last day of finals. The Child Development Center also runs an intersession during winter and summer months.
The Child Development Center is open from 7:45 am-5:15 pm Monday through Friday.
All parents are encouraged to participate in the children’s programs. College units can be obtained for regular weekly participation. All student parents receiving subsidized childcare are required to register for 1 unit of CDV 70, which requires two hours of parent participation per week and scheduled parent meetings.
Depending on your income and need for childcare, you may be eligible for subsidized childcare under a grant from the Department of Education.
Subsidized childcare is provided for families that qualify. There may be a monthly co-pay based on a families’gross monthly income.
The Child Development Center also has childcare slots available on a private basis, for families who do not qualify for full or partial subsidy.
Private pay charges are as follows:
18 months-3 years old Full day (6.5 hours or more) $55.50
3 years- 6 years old Full day (6.5 hours or more) $42.00
If you are interested in visiting please call (707) 468-3089.
If you are interested in applying for a slot at the center for your child, please complete the application and then:
- Email it to jwood@mendocino.edu, or
- Fax it to (707) 467-1059, or
- Mail it to Child Development Center, 1000 Hensley Creek Road, Ukiah CA 95482
Feel free to call the Child Development Center at (707)468-3089 if you have any questions, need to update information on your application, or would like more information.
If you are currently enrolled at the College you are eligible for the FOOD PANTRY.
- Ukiah Campus: Please visit room 763 in the Lowery Student Center at the Ukiah campus. (or call 707-467-1081 or email nhoriguc@mendocino.edu).
- Lake Center: (707) 263-4944
- North County Center: (707) 459-6224
- Coast Center: (707) 961-2200
FOOD PANTRY services are FREE for all MC students.
Made possible with the generous support of the Mendocino College Foundation, the Community Foundation of Mendocino County, the Redwood Credit Union, and the Associated Students of Mendocino College.
Textbook Lending Library
The Textbook Lending Library is designed to assist students in obtaining required textbooks and materials required for their classes, free of charge. However, students must be a member of one of the following programs in order to make use of the service.
CAMP - College Assistance Migrant Program
The College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) offers college scholarships and student support to students who have participated in the Migrant Education Program, or have worked in agricultural jobs, or are dependents of agricultural workers. Our mission is to serve, educate and empower migrant workers. Our vision is to improve the quality of life of migrant workers.
Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) was established to help community college students from economically and educationally disadvantaged backgrounds succeed in their educational goals and transferring to a four-year institution.
Student Equity and Achievement
The Student Equity and Achievement Program was established and merged funding for three initiatives: the Student Success and Support Program; the Basic Skills Initiative; and Student Equity. Integrating these efforts into a single program advances our goal of demolishing once and for all the achievement gaps for students from traditionally underrepresented populations
The California College Promise Grant waives enrollment fees for fall, spring, and summer terms. To be eligible you must qualify by meeting certain income requirements. Your enrollment fees will be waived at the time of registration or eligibility determination.
Redwood Food Bank Distribution Sites and hours of distribution:
888 N State St
Ukiah, 95482Phone
Number: (707) 463-2409
Pantry Hours:
- Weekly on Monday, 12:00pm - 4:00pm
- Weekly on Tuesday, 9:00am - 12:00pm
- Weekly on Wednesday, 12:00pm - 4:00pm
- Weekly on Thursday, 9:00am - 12:00pm
- Weekly on Friday, 12:00pm - 4:00pm
United Christian Parish
Address: 745 North Brush Street, Lakeport, CA, USA
Lakeport, 95453
Phone Number: 263-4788
Pantry Hours:
- Weekly on Tuesday, 10:00am - 11:00am
- Weekly on Wednesday, 10:00am - 11:00am
- Weekly on Thursday, 10:00am - 11:00am
Willits Community Services & Food Bank
Address: 229 E San Francisco Ave
Willits, 95490
Pantry Hours:
- Weekly on Wednesday, 1:00pm - 4:30pm
- Weekly on Friday, 1:00pm - 4:30pm
Fort Bragg:
Fort Bragg Food Bank
Address:910 N Franklin St
Fort Bragg, 95437
Phone Number: 707 964-9404
Pantry Hours:
- Weekly on Monday, 11:00am - 4:00pm
- Weekly on Tuesday, 11:00am - 4:00pm
- Weekly on Wednesday, 11:00am - 5:30pm
- Weekly on Thursday, 11:00am - 4:00pm
- Weekly on Friday, 11:00am - 4:00pm
For more information on local food banks, please visit:
We offer a lot of resources for students with children!
- Food pantry- with additional food for children available. Visit us in the Lowery Student Center for assistance.
- CalFresh- Apply today for your household. Use our link apply (https://www.getcalfresh.org/?source=mendocinocollege) and our CalFresh team can assist you every step of the way.
- Child Care- information about our child development center can be found under our child care tab.
- Bus service- The MTA and LTA provides bus service for students.
- Local Food Bank- Redwood Empire Food Bank distributes food in Lake and Mendocino Counties.