This page contains links to valuable information resources for current and future students.

Student Success Scorecard

The DataVista site is developed by the California Community College Chancellor's Office and provides important comparison information for prospective students.

Gainful Employment Information

The US Department of Education requires community colleges to disclose information regarding Gainful Employment for certificate-base programs of study.

At Mendocino College, this information is disclosed on the same page with the program curriculum. Go to Certificate Programs for a list of Career and Technical Education certificate programs offered at Mendocino College.

Registered Nursing Program Pass Rates

Students successfully completing the RN program qualify to take the nursing state board examination (NCLEX-RN). Following are the pass rates for the NCLEX-RN for the last ten years of Mendocino College Nursing Program students:




Number Attempting Exam28201919153332319262331


Percent who passed on 1st attempt96.43%95%94.74%100%100%100%90.91%95.65%



For comparative information regarding pass rates, please go to:

EMT Program Pass Rates

Students completing the EMT/Paramedic program at Mendocino College are required to take the certification examination administered  by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians.  It has currently been suspended - but will be part of a collaborative with  College of the Siskiyous.   The following table summarizes the results for recent graduates of the program.

Number attempting exam2154353153N/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Percent who passed on 1st attempt76%74%66%61%55%N/AN/AN/AN/AN/A

For comparative information regarding pass rates go to:

To find out more information about a topic in the left column, click on the link under "Office Link" in the right column of the table, corresponding to the topic.

Being an informed student: 

Navigating Admissions, Enrollment and Transfer


School policies on transfer of credit, including the criteria in use regarding the transfer of credit earned at another school and a list of schools with which Mendocino College has established an articulation agreement.

Articulation Office

Degrees, Programs and CoursesCounseling Office
Textbook InformationMendocino College Bookstore
FERPA: Protecting your personal informationAdmissions and Records (Confidentiality)
Services for VeteransStudent Services (Veterans)
Student Health ResourcesCounseling Office 
Student Rights and ResponsibilitiesAdmissions and Records

Student Learning Outcomes: What to expect as a graduate of Mendocino College

Plagiarism, Cheating and other Academic DishonestyAdmissions and Records
Campus Security and and emergency response proceduresMaintenance and Operations


 Financing Your College Education

Financial Assistance InformationFinancial Aid
Who to contact for information on student financial assistanceFinancial Aid

The cost of attending Mendocino College. This includes the costs of tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board, transportation costs and any additional costs.

Financial Aid
Need-based and non-need based Federal financial aid available to studentsFinancial Aid

Terms and conditions under which students receive Direct Loans

Financial Aid
How to apply for financial aid and how eligibility is determinedFinancial Aid
How Mendocino College distributes aid among students ("packaging policy")Financial Aid
The rights and responsibilities of students receiving aidFinancial Aid
How and when financial aid is distributedFinancial Aid
Financial aid and Work StudyFinancial Aid
Important information about student loansFinancial Aid
Satisfactory Academic Progress and maintaining aid eligibilityFinancial Aid
Repayment of funds if you withdraw from Mendocino CollegeFinancial Aid
How students receiving federal education loans may obtain deferred repaymentFinancial Aid

Become a more informed student

Names of accrediting agenciesPresident's Office
Mendocino College Board of TrusteesPresident's Office
Information on graduation and completion ratesInstitutional Research

Retention rates of certificate or degree-seeking first-time, full-time freshmen

California Community College Chancellor's Office (CCCCO) Scorecard

Completion and transfer-out rates of a specific cohort of students. (Student Right-To-Know)

Institutional Research 
Profiles of Enrolled StudentsInstitutional Research
Faculty and Instructional PersonnelDirectory
Facilities and services available to students with disabilitiesDisability Resource Center
Athletics at Mendocino CollegeAthletics Office
ASMC: Associated Students of Mendocino CollegeASMC

Become a Better Citizen

The US Constitution and other important historical documentsConstitution
(Oak Hill Publishing Co.)
Who's Who in governmentPresident's Office
Register to Vote!ASMC