Free Textbooks with ZTC Courses
Zero Textbook Costs (ZTC) means that there is no cost for required textbooks, workbooks, lab manuals, readers or specialized software, like online homework systems for courses that have this designation.
Yes, that is right, your textbooks are FREE with ZTC.
The ZTC definition does not apply to supplemental items such as lab coats, binders for OER textbooks, kits, goggles, a calculator, blue books, scantron forms, art supplies, etc.
Mendocino College is committed to reducing the burden of textbook costs students face when furthering their education in accordance to the CA State Legislation.
How to find ZTC Courses?
In the class schedule (both print and online) look for the ZTC icon below.

What is LTC?
In addition to our ZTC efforts, Mendocino College faculty continue to strive to reduce textbook costs to students by adopting textbooks that cost $30 or less before tax and through our eCampus Bookstore.
The definition does not apply to supplemental items such as lab coats, kits, goggles, a calculator, blue books, scantron forms, art supplies, etc.
The LTC designation is based on pre-tax retail price of new materials in the Mendocino College Bookstore only.
How to find LTC Courses?
In the course schedule (both in print and online), look for the LTC icon below.

What does OER Mean?
Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching and learning materials that are freely available online. OER often refers to openly licensed textbooks and ancillary materials. Classes that use OER provide our students with immediate use of digital textbooks and resources for no cost.
Do you struggle with reading digitally?
Mendocino College offers FREE printed copies of OER textbooks. Please reach out to the instructor to request your copy of an OER textbook today.
ZTC Programs
One of the first Zero Textbook Cost Associates for Transfer.
One of the first Zero Textbook Cost Associates for Transfer.
Our Spanish Associates for Transfer is one of the next to become a fully Zero Textbook Cost program.
Meet your Textbook Affordability Librarian