The mission of the Mendocino College Dream Center is to assist undocumented/AB540 students and students from mixed-status families achieve their academic goals. The Dream Center provides services, resources and support to address the unique barriers students face in their pursuit of higher education.
ATTENTION DREAMERS! To qualify for CalGrants you must apply for CADAA by May 2nd!
Contact Us
Email: dreamcenter@mendocino.edu
Phone: (707) 467-1026
Instagram @mcdream_center
Hours & Location
Lowery Student Center 760 (Old Bookstore) at Ukiah Campus. We are open for in-person support.
General Services are available Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm and Counseling Services Mondays 5:00 -7:00 pm.
We assist with completing the following:
- Assisting Undocumented, DACA, and AB540 students with the application and enrollment process
- Residency forms
- California Dream Act Application (CADAA)
- Financial aid guidance and scholarship information
- Connections to other programs on campus
- Referrals to outside agencies
Our resources and services are available to all undocumented and Dreamer students (with or without DACA).
Academic Counseling
Individual counseling appointments can be scheduled to review your progress at Mendocino College, work on an educational plan to help you reach your goals, discuss your academic, career, and personal goals, discuss effective use of learning strategies to succeed in college, review academic support campus resources, and go over information regarding transferring to a university. In addition, individual appointments are also a safe space to go over community resources available to undocumented immigrants, educational policies and laws affecting undocumented students in higher education and in the U.S. in general, California Dream Act and financial aid options, and to discuss any thoughts and concerns regarding how you and/or your family may be affected by your/their undocumented status.
Counseling is available Monday (5:00pm -7:00pm)
They are your resource! Make a virtual or in-person appointment to talk about school, work, volunteer options, life or whatever is on your mind. Students can make an appointment by sending an email dreamcenter@mendocino.edu OR Call: 707-468-3048 | 707-467-1026
Peer Mentors are available to help you in the Dream Center. Peer Mentors are students who support other students.
Peer Mentors (Ukiah Campus)
Yazmin Uribe: Monday 10:30am - 2:45pm and Tuesday (10:30am - 2:45pm)
Mia Uribe: Monday (12:00pm - 5:00pm) and Wednesday (12:00pm - 5:00pm)

A collaborative effort between the California Community Colleges, the Foundation for California Community Colleges, the California State University (CSU), and the California Department of Social Services (CDSS), the Higher Education Legal Services Project is connecting immigrant students at California community colleges and CSUs with trusted legal services providers.
To serve the estimated 70,000 undocumented students enrolled in the California Community Colleges system — by far the largest population of undocumented students in the nation — CDSS has funded the expansion of this project to provide invaluable services to students, faculty, and staff which help them navigate their immigration journey and continue to excel in their education.
Under the Higher Education Legal Services Project, all immigrant students regardless of immigration status will be eligible for FREE legal services including, but not limited to: immigration consultations, eligibility screenings, support with DACA renewals and citizenship/naturalization requests, and individual case management.
In booking a consultation, students can also have questions about immigration status, rights, options, cases, and petitions answered by a legal practitioner.
Other benefits of this project include:
- Assistance covering $495 DACA application fee
- Easy scheduling by booking appointments with legal practitioners by visiting findyourally.com
- Extension of eligibility and access to services to students’ immediate family members including parents, siblings, and/or students’ children
- Convenient meeting options to provide private spaces to meet practitioners both in person or online
These services come at a crucial time for immigrant students amid the uncertainty of DACA’s future and the barriers immigration complications can cause towards degree completion. It is critical to ensure students are aware and can easily access and utilize these free services to eliminate barriers and uncertainties and reaffirm their chances at a successful higher education.
Applying to Mendocino College: Admissions and Records Forms
Applying for financial support: California Dream Act Application and How to Apply
General Information on Rights:
The ACLU website Know Your Rights: Discrimination Against Immigrants and Muslims provides information for individuals who may be stopped by police or other state agents (in multiple languages).
The Immigrant Legal Resource Center document Know Your Rights & What Immigrant Families Should Know (PDF) provides general information on both rights and how families can prepare.
Legal Resources:
California Rural Legal Assistance (CRLA) is a nonprofit legal service program created to help California's low-income individuals and communities representing all types of individuals and communities.
Immigration Advocates Network maintains a national directory of more than 950 free or low-cost nonprofit immigration legal services providers in all 50 states.
Immigration Law Help is a searchable online directory of over 1,000 free or low-cost nonprofit immigration legal services providers in all 50 states.
The Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) works with and educated immigrants, community organizations, and the legal sector to continue to build a democratic society that values diversity and the rights of all people.
The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) is a Latino legal civil rights organization. Often described as the law firm of the Latino community, MALDEF promotes social change through advocacy, communications, community education, and litigation in the areas of education, employment, immigrant rights, and political access.
The National Immigrant Law Center (NILC) is one of the leading organizations in the U.S. exclusively dedicated to defending and advancing the rights of low-income immigrants.
The National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC) is dedicated to ensuring human rights protections and access to justice for all immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers.
Opening Doors empowers refugees, immigrants, human trafficking survivors, and underserved Sacramento area residents to achieve self-sufficiency by accessing opportunities to mainstream economic and social systems.
California Human Development (CHD) is a non-profit organization waging the War on Poverty for more than 50 years. Inspired in service to our state’s farmworkers, today CHD serves people of low income from many walks of life—giving 25,000 people a year in 31 northern California counties a hand up to the American Dream.
Scholarship Opportunities:
The following websites provide information on scholarships open to undocumented students.
- TheDream.Us
- Undocuscholars – Scholarships
- My Undocumented Life – Scholarships
- MALDEF Scholarship Resources
- Immigrants Rising – Scholarships This is a helpful tool to help students find scholarships that do not require proof of citizenship. Criteria can vary, but the common denominator is that a social security number and proof of citizenship or legal residency is not required to apply or receive the scholarship