For Instructors
The Mendocino College Library provides several services to support instruction. A few are listed below.
Library Orientations
Have your class attend a library orientation where they can learn how to use the library research databases, learn how to tell if a source is reliable, and how to do proper citations. To schedule an orientation for your class, please send us an email at
Reserve Textbooks
Instructors often place textbooks on reserve for students to use in the library. These books are held at the front Circulation Desk. Most often, instructors will include reserve books as part of their syllabus. It is best to place materials on reserve several weeks prior to the beginning of a semester so that there is enough time to process them for student use. To chat about placing a copy of your textbook on our reserve cart, please email us at
Books and DVDs
The library will order books (excluding textbooks) as well as DVDs that instructors request to support their class. If you have a reading list for your students and want to make sure we have a copy of the titles for your students to check out, send the reading list to Additionally, if there are book or DVD titles you would like us to add to the collection, just let us know by emailing us at
Lightboard Tutorial
Interested in using the Digital Arts & Media Program's state-of-the-art lightboard technology to record your lectures? Watch the video below to find out more.