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Mendocino College Classified Senate is a body of dedicated professionals who support the college’s mission of promoting student success through its active role in the participatory governance process.

What the Classified Senate Does:

  • Promotes Classified Staff as a professional and valued part of the college workforce.
  • Includes permanent classified employees of Mendocino College.
    • No dues! We do ask for donations for student scholarships and classified senate expenses.
  • Represents needs, concerns & viewpoints of Classified Staff not related to Union negotiation matters. (AB1725 & Ed. Code Sec. 70901(b) & Board of Governors, 1990)
    • Classified Senate has been in existence since 1998 and is the recognized participatory governance organization representing Classified Staff at Mendocino College.
    • Classified Senates throughout the state have supported the separation of governance and collective bargaining. The Mendocino College Classified Senate is a member of 4CS – California Community Colleges Classified Senate
    • Senate participation is fully supported by administration.
  • Provides a venue for informed decision-making.
    • Participatory governance by Classified Staff is a responsibility and is essential in providing valuable knowledge and input because of our expertise and experience.
    • Classified Staff are involved in every area of our college and are often the first representatives of the college that students and community members encounter. We, therefore, can make essential contributions to the institution’s ability to make sound, “educated” decisions with the best available information.
  • Coordinates with administration and faculty for classified representation on college committees and governing councils.
    • Hiring Selection Committees
    • College-Wide Committees, such as Facilities, Technology, EAP, etc.
    • Planning and Budgeting Committee – the Classified Senate President and Vice President are the classified representatives on PBC.
  • Provides an opportunity to develop leadership skills among Classified Staff.
    • Enhance your resume by being a Classified Senate officer: *President, *Vice President, *Secretary, *Treasurer, *Senator.

Get Involved!

  • Collaborate with & enjoy camaraderie with other Classified Staff at monthly meetings
  • Submit Hiring Prioritization Request
  • Help select the Classified Employee of the Year
  • Express your concerns and needs through the Mendocino College Classified Senate

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For information about the Senate or how to participate, please contact Senate President Gus Calderon at