Associate Degrees
Associate degrees are commonly conferred by community colleges. They are usually of two types: the Associate of Arts and the Associate of Science. The distinction between the Associate of Arts and the Associate of Science degrees lies in the majors. If the major is in the fields of engineering, physical or biological science, or career curricula, the degree conferred is usually an Associate of Science. Otherwise, the Associate of Arts degree is conferred. The college also offers Associate in Arts for Transfer and Associate in Science for Transfer degrees which are specifically for transfer to CSUs.
Ordinarily, associate degrees have one of two major purposes. Either the program of study prepares the individual for transfer to a four-year college or university, or the program of study is intended to prepare the student for immediate employment. See descriptions of individual programs for their purposes.
The academic requirements to receive an Associate Degree are:
- Completion of a minimum of 60 semester units of acceptable college credits.
- Overall grade point average of 2.0, “C”, or better in coursework at Mendocino College and in all college work.
- No more than eight (8) semester units of Special Topic courses numbered 88 or 188 may be counted as elective credit towards an associate degree or certificate of achievement.
A complete listing of Associate Degrees offered by Mendocino College are below.