For an emergency call 911
Then, call 468-3155 (Security)
Emergency procedures are conspicuously posted at each college location. If there is a special emergency off campus and a need to contact a student in class, the following campus offices should be contacted for assistance:
- Ukiah 468-3076
- Willits 459-6224
- Lakeport 263-4944
Campus Security Hours:
- Monday - Thursday 7am-11pm
- Friday 7am-10pm
- Saturday Hours vary
- Summer Hours 7am-7pm (M-Th)
- Call Security at 468-3155
- Air Quality
- Campus Security
- Clery Act
- Emergency Preparedness Plan
- Facility Use
- Facilities Master Plan
- Sustainability
Ukiah Campus Air Quality
Coast Center Air Quality
Lake Center Air Quality
North County Air Quality
Welcome to the Mendocino College Campus Security
Mendocino College prides itself on being a beautiful, friendly, and safe place to attend college. It is our intent as Security staff to provide any assistance that we can.
Each year in September the campus Annual Security Report is published in order to provide information regarding crimes on campus. The report is available in the Admissions & Records, Financial Aid, Human Resources, Instruction, Presidents Office, and Student Services Office at the Ukiah campus and at the front desk at the Lake and North County Centers.
Clery and Crime Reports:
- Clery Certificate
- Main Campus
- Lake Center
- North County Center
- Coast Center
- Point Arena Field Station
Security Officers: Campus Security provide coverage during day and evening hours, every day of the week. After 5:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday, Security is available if you desire to be escorted to the parking lot. Security also provides coverage at most of the events on the Ukiah campus. This coverage has not only decreased the number of incidents on campus, but also helped alleviate the sense of being out here all alone!
Security Guards: Stephen King | Erik Cisneros
Mon. - Thur. 7 a.m. - 11 p.m.
Friday 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. (may vary, depending on events)
Saturday 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. (may vary, depending on events)
Summer Hours: 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. (Mon. - Thur.)
Please call Security at (707) 468-3155 voice call or Text (707) 489-8404.
Cellular Phones: Cellular phones are used by Security staff for means of communication and contacting local Law Enforcement and/or Emergency Services. The phone number for Security, (707) 468-3155 is posted on bulletin boards throughout the campus and may be called whenever classes are in session or events are taking place.
The Access Road sign reads: "Restricted access" to all other vehicles parked in or along this road will be towed." (Vehicle code 22658).
There are signs that read "NO PARKING" in Fire Lanes and in other areas on campus. We would like to stress the fact that these signs are subject to California Vehicle codes and may be enforced by the CHP.
Parking Rules and Regulations:
Parking is controlled as posted. All traffic is subject to California Vehicle and Administrative Codes. Permission to pass revocable at anytime.
No animals are permitted on campus (CCvc 2113 A.B0), with the exception of Service Animals. Please register with Disability Resource Center in the lower level of the Library/Learning Resource Center.
The maximum speed limit on campus is 15 mph.
Weapons on campus:
There are no weapons allowed on campus, including knives with blades that extend longer than 2 and one half inches (code 626.10).
Student Conduct:
Students shall conduct themselves in a manner, which does not infringe on the rights of others. Complaints which deal with State regulation, Titles IV and VII of the Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 shall be handled by the college's Dean of Students. Student grievances involving the interpretation, application, or alleged violation of College rules, regulations, policies, and procedures shall be addressed in accordance with the College's Student Grievance and Due Process Policy and Procedures.
Additional information can be obtained by contacting: Director of Facilities- Mac Lojowsky, (707) 468-3076.
For an Emergency, call 468-3155 first
Emergency procedures are conspicuously posted at each college location. If there is a special emergency off campus and a need to contact a student in class, the following campus offices should be contacted for assistance:
- Ukiah 468-3101
- Willits 459-6224
- Lakeport 263-4944
Emergency Mutual Aide Agreement: An agreement has been entered into with the following Community Colleges, Santa Rosa JC, College of the Redwoods, Marin, Napa, Sonoma State, Solano, and Humboldt. The agreement between these colleges is an ongoing and continuous awareness of emergency preparedness. Mendocino College has incorporated SRJC's emergency response plan and has begun training in the, Standard Emergency Management System os SEMS.
Emergency Flip Charts: These charts are located in every room and/or office on campus.
First Aid Kits: First aid kits are located in designated areas around campus as proposed and adopted by the Safety Committee. The kits are updated using monies available through the insurance consortium. Restocking of said kits is done by Facility Services.
Safety Audit: Safety audits are conducted annually by our Insurance carrier, Keenan and Associates.
Security Guards: One full time Security staff was hired to provide coverage during day and two part-time security persons to alternate during the evening hours coverage. After 5:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday, security is available if you desire to be escorted to the parking lot. Security also provides coverage at most of the events on campus. This coverage has not only decreased the number of incidents on campus, but also helped alleviate the sense of being out here all alone!
Campus Security Hours:
Mon. - Thur. 7:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.
Friday 7am to 10pm
Sat. Hours vary.
Summer Hours 7am to 7pm (M-Th)
Call Security at 468-3155.
Cellular Phones: Cellular phones are used by Security staff for means of communication and contacting local law enforcement and/or emergency services. The number for Security, 468-3155 is posted on bulletin boards throughout campus and may be called during days and evenings up until 11:00 p.m.
Facility Use Requests
Thank you for your interest in our facilities. Our buildings and outdoor spaces are valuable community assets and many community groups and partner organizations use them for meetings, programs, and a wide variety of other events. We are glad to accommodate these groups whenever we can.
Reserving Facilities
If you choose to reserve space in one of our buildings or outdoor areas, please keep in mind that depending on the event, location, dates, and times fees may be charged for the facility use, as well as, to offset custodial, facilities, or technical support costs. Any organization using district facilities must meet insurance requirements and provide a current Certificate of Insurance.
Reservation of facilities requires the following:
- EXTERNAL PARTNERS - Event Request Form
- INTERNAL PARTNERS - Event Request Form
- Certificate of Liability
Please note the following:
Following receipt of the Certificate of Insurance and review of availability, a confirmation will be emailed to the address provided in the Event Request Form.
If you need to make a change once your reservation has been submitted and/or confirmed, please contact Alex Humphrey.
Legal Disclaimers
Hold Harmless Clause: The User(s) undertakes and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the college, college board and appointed officials, administrators, faculty, and all other school employees, volunteers or representatives, and all persons and bodies corporate acting for or on behalf of them, against all liability, claims, demands, actions, suits, damages, proceedings, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney fees) whatsoever (including injury to persons and damage to property) for which they may be or become liable directly or indirectly arising out of the use of College premises by the User(s) (or the servants, agents or invitees of the User/s)), and for such further sums in excess of those contained in any insurance policy procured by User(s) relating to the use of the School premises or for such amounts as may not be payable under any such insurance policy.
Certificate of Insurance: The User(s) is to take out and maintain current throughout the term of this agreement a General Liability insurance policy with a reputable insurer, having an A.M. Best rating of A- or better, in which (a) the School is indemnified in an amount not less than $1 million for any claims whatsoever (including injury to persons or damage to property) arising out of the use of the School premises by the User(s); (b) the School is named as an Additional Insured under the policy; and (c) the policy or a certificate of insurance must be produced to the School prior to use of the facilities. User(s) and the School agree that any insurance policies procured by User(s) that provide benefits or protection for the School shall be primary and that any policies procured by School that might happen to provide protection or benefits to the School arising out of User's use of the School premises shall be excess.
Cancellation: The Mendocino-Lake Community College District encourages the use of facilities by a variety of groups. However, the district discourages groups from reserving facilities and then not using them. This practice restricts other potential users from gaining access. To cancel an event contact Alex Humphrey or (707) 468-3076.
- 1060-Board Room
- 1210-Classroom
- 1220-Classroom
- 1230-Classroom
- 1250-Classroom
Lowery Library Building
- 710-Little Theatre
- 730-Classroom/Greenroom
- 740-Classroom
Center For the Visual and Performing Arts
- Center Theatre
- 5212-Conference Room
- 5310-Voice/Art History
- 5380-Classroom
Physical Education Complex
- 810-Classroom
- 800-Dance studio
- 820-Dance studio
- 900-Gym (Capacity 1250)
- Disc Golf
- Baseball
- Softball
- Tennis Courts
- Sand Volleyball Court
- Track
- Grove BBQ
- Parking Lot
Lake Center
- Rooms 7050-round room
North County Center
- Rooms 8000, 8002, 8010, 8020, 8030
Mendocino-Lake Community College District
Facilities Master Plan
Sustainability at Mendocino-Lake Community College District
What is sustainability?
“Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
Prioritizing sustainability is imperative to preserve the environment and address climate change. Sustainable choices also often save money and lead to better health, well-being, learning, and productivity.
The district is prioritizing sustainability in policies and decisions related to energy, water, and waste reduction and diversion.
Energy Use
As a state entity, the district is required to comply with Executive Order B-18-12 that orders all newly constructed state buildings, major renovations and 50% of existing state buildings to be Zero Net Energy (ZNE) by 2025. To reach Zero Net Energy, a building or campus must use only as much energy as is produced annually on site from renewable sources. The district aims to meet and exceed this goal by reaching Zero Net Energy at all sites by 2030.
Mendocino College already receives about 52% of its electricity each year from our solar field, installed in 2009. The campus’s total energy use (including electricity and gas) and solar energy generation are shown below.
The district has worked to reduce its energy use through many energy efficiency projects, such as installing occupancy sensors for heating and air-conditioning in most buildings and LED lights in multiple buildings, in parking lots, and along walkways. Combined these upgrades save enough electricity to power 9 average homes.
The facilities department also continues to replace older, less efficient equipment, and ensure heating, air conditioning, and lighting systems are not on during breaks and when spaces are not in use.
In 2018, we have used 10% less energy than in the past 5 years at Mendocino College – preventing the release of about 40 metric tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere!
Look out for our solar electric security cart around campus! Thanks to the Sustainable Technology solar class students for helping us power our cart on renewable energy!
-MLCCD Facilities Department
Mac Lojowsky