  1. About CalWORKs
  2. CalWORKs Forms
  3. Community Resources
  4. Staff and Faculty
  5. Location

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California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids CalWORKs is a state-funded Welfare-to-Work program designed to assist student parents of children under the age of 18, who are receiving cash assistance (TANF).  CalWORKs provides high quality, supplementary, support services to enable students to complete their educational goals, find meaningful employment, successfully transition into the workforce, while achieving long term self-sufficiency.

  • Specialized academic and career counseling
  • School supplies
  • Coordinated assistance through the county for textbooks
  • Access to our lending library
  • Chromebook and wifi hot spot loans
  • Work-study opportunities
  • Childcare assistance
  • Priority registration
  • Student advocacy

The Ukiah campus offers child care services through the Mendocino College Child Development Center,  CalWORKs families get priority on the waitlist.

Work study is a form of subsidized employment classified as financial aid, which does not reduce your CalWORKs cash aid or CalFRESH benefits.  To be eligible students must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress, earn a minimum of a 2.0 GPA, and be enrolled in 6 units per term.  Students may work on- or off-campus and hours will count towards their work participation requirement.  We can help with resume-writing, job applications, job search, and on-campus placement!

Students with children who meet income requirements, program guidelines, and are enrolled in courses, credit or non-credit, are eligible.  Visit to see if you qualify and apply!

Already a CalWORKs participant receiving cash aid from the county?

Yes-  Inform your worker that you are interested in enrolling in college.  They will adjust your Welfare to Work plan accordingly.

No- Apply at  Inform your CalWORKs Specialist at the college so they can help to streamline the process.


Already a Student at Mendocino College?

Yes- Inform your worker that you are enrolled in college courses so they can adjust your Welfare to Work plan accordingly.

No-  Inform your worker that you are interested in enrolling in college courses so they can adjust your Welfare to Work plan accordingly.  Work with the CalWORKs Specialist to complete a new/returning student checklist.


Log into forms with your MyMendo Credentials.  Fin out and a new Intake and ROI each Fall and Spring semesters.

CalWORKs Intake Form 


Community Resources


Domestic Violence:

Project Sanctuary- Ukiah- (707) 463-4357

                              Coast- (707) 964-4357

Employment and Family Assistance:

Mendocino County Social Services- Ukiah- (707) 463-7700

                                                          Coast: (707) 962-1000

General Resources:

Mendocino 211- 211


Community Development Commission- (707) 463-5462

Rural Communities Housing Development Corporation- (707) 463-1975

Mental Health/Crisis Services:

Manzanita Services Inc.-  Ukiah- (707) 4463-0404

                                          Willits- (707) 456-9020

National Suicide and Mental Health Crisis hotline- 988

North Bay Suicide Prevention Hotline- 1-855-587-6373

Redwood Community Services- (707) 467-9065

Redwood Community Services Crisis line- 1-855-838-0404

Substance Abuse Treatment:

Ford Street Project- (707) 462-1934


M.S. In Human Services from Capella University, B.A. Cultural Anthropology from UC Davis, A.A. Liberal Arts from American River College.
M.S. In Human Services from Capella University, B.A. Cultural Anthropology from ...
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Rhea Hollis

CalWORKs Counselor | Counseling
Master of Arts, Counseling and PPS certificate Sonoma State UniversityCalifornia Multiple Subject Teaching Credential, Elementary Education, Humboldt State UniversityBachelor of Arts, Spanish Universi...
Master of Arts, Counseling and PPS certificate Sonoma State UniversityCalifornia...
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1000 MacMillan Hall


CalWORKs is located in the Counseling Center in MacMillan Hall. 

Our counselor is located in 1015 MacMillan Hall.  Please check in through the counseling center before meeting with the counselor.