Mendocino College MESA Program Awarded Three Year Grant

Mendocino College is pleased to announce its Math Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) program has been awarded another three year cycle grant. The program will receive $76,263 per year for the next three years to continue to help underserved and underrepresented students achieve success in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) studies and careers. 

Statement Condemning Xenophobia And Anti-Asian Sentiment Arising Due To Fears Of COVID-19 Pandemic

Asian American communities are suffering acts of discrimination, hate crimes, and micro-aggressions due to fears of COVID-I9.

Since the December 2019 outbreak of the COVID-l9 virus in Wuhan, China, the infection has grown to more than 125.68 million confirmed cases and more than 2.75 million confirmed deaths worldwide. Scientists have confirmed that the COVID-l9 disease does not respect borders and is not caused by ethnicity, and the World Health Organization has cautioned against using geographic descriptors because they can fuel ethnic discrimination.

Mendocino College Closes Equity Gaps for Latinx Students

In a report released by the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC), Mendocino College is one of 13 California Community Colleges to close equity gaps for Latinx students and increase their success rates in English and math courses by broadening access to transfer-level and gateway courses. Titled “A New Era of Student Access at California’s Community Colleges”, the PPIC study indicates 

Mendocino College to Receive up to $250 Thousand in the Next Two Years for Direct Student Support, Part of a $100 Million Donation Committed to California Community Colleges

Mendocino College is one of 34 colleges to receive part of the largest philanthropic gift given to community colleges in the nation. The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, in partnership with the Foundation for California Community Colleges (FoundationCCC), recently announced that the $100 million pledge

Mendocino College Launches the "Mendocino College Symposium" A lecture Series for the Community

At Mendocino College, part of our Mission is to be an, “intellectual, economic and cultural anchor for the region”, and it is our responsibility and honor to act as a leading public role in the district. Many Americans today are standing up demanding change throughout the US and in our own communities. This is not an easy time, but it is an important one. Change, and open, honest discussions are needed.