Students who need accommodations should contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) by phone at (707) 468-3031, by email at, or by visiting the DRC in room 4130 of the Library and Learning Resource Center to schedule a confidential intake appointment with a DRC Counselor. This includes students who:
- had an Individualized Education Program (IEP) in high school or elementary school
- have a verified medical disability
- have been diagnosed as Deaf or Hard of Hearing, or are having trouble hearing in class
- are Blind, Legally Blind, or whose visual impairment is affecting performance
- have a temporary disability or illness
- have a psychological diagnosis such as Depression, Bi-polar, or Anxiety Disorder
- have Learning Disabilities, or think they need testing for Learning Disabilities
- have mobility or other problems that may require special arrangements
- have other special circumstances that they would like to discuss in a confidential environment
Some examples of accommodations offered through the DRC include:
- extra time and a distraction reduced setting for tests
- note takers
- assistive technology
- adaptive equipment
- sign language interpreters
- real-time captioning
- audio recorders
- audio books
- braille and/or enlarged print
- specialized counseling
- learning disability assessments