

  1. Overview
  2. Placement Info
  3. Pathway Information
  4. Faculty
  5. Textbooks/Materials
  6. Degrees
  7. Tutoring/Supports

Placement Information

What Math Class Should I Enroll In?

Some information about the typical initial placement options effective Fall 2024:

  • MTH 121: Trigonometry (4 units)

    • For students who are pursuing a STEM degree or whose program for transfer requires pre-calculus*
    • A 2-units Support for Trigonometry course is available for students who have not taken an Algebra 2 course or who need to review the algebra skills necessary for success in Trigonometry (required for some students)
    • Fulfills AA/AS degree math graduation requirement.
    • Fulfills CSU GE math requirement; not UC transferable.
  • MTH 170: Mathematics in Native American Cultures (3 units)

    • This course emphasizes collaborative work and critical thinking in topics such as  geometry, game probability, patterns, and design; it is not taught in a traditional lecture format
    • If you are pursuing a non-STEM degree without a specific math requirement, check with a counselor – this may be the only class you need*
    • Fulfills AA/AS degree math and cultural competency graduation requirements. 
    • Transfers to CSU; not UC transferable.
  • ​MTH 205: Math for Liberal Arts (4 units)

    • This is a quantitative reasoning course that emphasizes collaborative work and critical thinking; it is not taught in a traditional lecture format.
    • If you are pursuing a non-STEM degree without a specific math requirement, check with a counselor – this may be the only math class you need.*
    • Fulfills AA/AS degree math graduation requirements. 
    • Fulfills CSU GE Math requirement; UC Elective transferable
  • MTH 220: Statistics (4 units)

    • For students pursuing many Social Science degrees, including Psychology.*
    • A 2-unit support course is available (required for some students)
    • Fulfills AA/AS degree math graduation requirements
    • Fulfills CSU and UC GE math requirement
  • MTH 228: Introduction to Data Science (5 units)

    • Work with real-world data
    • May be an alternative to statistics in some programs
    • UC transfer; CSU GE transfer (math designation pending)
  • MTH 230: Calculus for Business and Economics (3 units)

    • For students who require a course in Business Calculus for transfer
    • Fulfills AA/AS degree math graduation requirements
    • Fulfills CSU and UC GE math requirement


You may qualify for higher-level math courses if you took Trigonometry, Precalculus/Math Analysis or higher level course or passed an AP exam with a 3 or higher. See placement guide tab for more information.

*These are general guidelines and may not address your specific circumstances. If you are planning to transfer to a CSU or UC or other 4-year school, your math requirement will generally depend on your transfer school and major. As always, we encourage you to meet with a counselor if you have any questions. Call 468-3048 for an appt. 

Mendocino College Math Class Placement Process Guide

Mendocino College uses a multiple measures placement process to help you choose the math class that is best for you based on both your experience and your degree pathway.  Here is the placement guide effective Fall 2024.

Last Math Class Completed
with a C- or better

STEM Majors

(Math Intensive)

B-SLAM Majors

(Business, Statistics, Liberal Arts)

Has not completed Algebra II or Integrated Math III (or higher level)

No record of algebra 


only has coursework up to Algebra I, Geometry, or Integrated Math I and/or II noted on transcripts.


MTH 121 with the following:

+ MTH 33 Support for Trigonometry + MTH 542 Corequisite Math Lab + MTH 30 Math Success


MTH 228 + MTH 542 + MTH 30


MTH 170 or MTH 205 + 542


MTH 230 + MTH 542 + MTH 30 


MTH 220 + MTH 542 + MTH 30 + MTH 32/532 (Support for Statistics)

Algebra II, Integrated Math III

Note: For those who have a grade less than a B in their last math course, both MTH 540 Math Lab AND MTH 30 Math Success are strongly recommended. If enrolling in MTH 121, it is additionally recommended that students enroll in MTH 33 Support for Trigonometry.

GPA  ≥  2.5 or an A/B in previous math class

MTH 121 or MTH 228


GPA < 2.5

MTH 121 OR MTH 228 

+ MTH 542 + MTH 30

GPA ≥  2.5 or an A/B in previous math class

MTH 170, MTH 205, MTH 220, MTH 228, or MTH 230

GPA < 2.5

MTH 170 or MTH 205 

+ MTH 542 


MTH 228 or MTH 230

+ MTH 542 + MTH 30


MTH 220

+ MTH 542 + MTH 30 + MTH 32/532


Note: For those who have a grade less than a B in their last math course, both MTH 540 Math Lab AND MTH 30 Math Success are strongly recommended. If enrolling in MTH 200, it is additionally recommended that students enroll in MTH 34 Support for Precalculus.

GPA ≥ 2.5 or A/B in last math course completed

MTH 200 or MTH 228


GPA < 2.5

MTH 200 or MTH 228

+ MTH 542 + MTH 30

GPA ≥ 2.5 or A/B in last math course completed

MTH 170, MTH 205, MTH 220, MTH 228, or MTH 230


GPA < 2.5

MTH 170 or MTH 205

+ MTH 542


MTH 220, MTH 228, or MTH 230

+ MTH 542 + MTH 30

Precalculus/Math Analysis, or higher

Note: For those who have a grade less than a B in their last math course, both MTH 540 Math Lab AND MTH 30 Math Success are strongly recommended. If enrolling in MTH 210, it is additionally recommended that students enroll in MTH 35 Support for Calculus.

GPA ≥ 2.5 or 
A/B in last math course completed

Next course in the STEM sequence

GPA < 2.5
Next course in the STEM sequence with MTH 542 + MTH 30


MTH 170, MTH 205, MTH 220, MTH 228, or MTH 230

Notices Regarding Placement:

  • If you have any questions about which classes to take you are encouraged to meet with a Counselor. Call 468-3048 to get an appointment.
  • It is recommended that students majoring in Business Administration for Transfer take MTH 220 before taking MTH 230.
  • Students may also challenge the prerequisite for the class they want to take.  Prerequisite Challenge Form

Math Pathway Information

Standard coursework depends upon the course of study and is formalized into the following math pathways.


  • STEM Pathway: For students who are majoring in or seeking to transfer in a STEM-related (math-intensive) discipline. This pathway provides a rigorous sequence that includes extended STEM applications to prepare students for transfer to a CSU or UC.
  • B-SLAM (Business, Statistics, and Liberal Arts Math) Pathway: For students who do not require STEM coursework.  This pathway satisfies the institutional requirement for an Associate Degree and provides students with the flexibility of choosing a mathematical literacy course that best suits the requirements of their degree, certificate, or program for transfer with coursework that is CSU and/or UC transferable.
  • Students should meet with a counselor to develop a plan that will meet the requirements of their educational goals.  

STEM Pathway Coursework

  • The entry point for a student pursuing this pathway will be determined by placement or prerequisite. MTH 121 Trigonometry is the base course for all students in this pathway. For some students, a co-requisite support course may be required.
  • The standard STEM pathway, in order taken, includes: MTH 121 Trigonometry; MTH 200 Precalculus; MTH 210 Calculus 1; and MTH 211 Calculus 2, after which MTH 212 Calculus 3 and MTH 214 Linear Algebra can be taken in any order.  The sequence is completed with MTH 215 Differential Equations.
  • There may be an opportunity to ‘jump ahead’ in the STEM sequence (up to Calculus I).  See your counselor or a member of the math faculty for details about the availability of this option.

B-SLAM Pathway Coursework

  • This pathway offers several courses in quantitative reasoning that are designed to meet the requirements for a variety of majors that do not require an extensive STEM background.
  • Those who are seeking an Associate degree and plan to transfer to CSU may find that MTH 170 Mathematics in Native American Cultures will meet their degree requirement in the areas of both math and cultural competency. This course emphasizes collaborative work and critical thinking in topics such as geometry, game probability, patterns, and design; it is not taught in a traditional lecture format. MTH 170 is an open entry course that may require co-requisites for some students.
  • Those who are seeking an Associate degree and plan to transfer to a CSU may find that MTH 205 Math for Liberal Arts will meet their degree and transfer requirements.  This course transfers to UC for General education credit and offers an overview of mathematical topics that focuses on useful applications and mathematical reasoning in society.  MTH 205 is an open entry course that may require co-requisite for some students. 
  • Those who are seeking an Associate degree and plan to transfer to a UC or CSU and/or are in a major that requires a course in statistics should take MTH 220 Statistics.  For some students, co-requisites may be required. MTH 228 Introduction to Data Science may be an alternative to statistics in some programs.
  • Students seeking a Business Administration Associate Degree for Transfer will take MTH 230 Business Calculus.  If the student will also need MTH 220 Statistics for their program, it is suggested that this course is taken before MTH 230 Business Calculus.

Full-Time Faculty Contact Info. and Student Help Hours (Office Hours)

Open All Close All
  • Office: 9182
  • Phone: 707-468-3136
  • Email:
  • Spring 2025 Student Help Hours (Office Hours):
    • Monday & Wednesday: 3:30pm-4:30pm
    • Tuesday, Thursday: noon-1pm
    • Friday: 10am-11am
  • Office: 9174
  • Phone: 707-467-1053
  • Email:
  • Spring 2025 Student Drop-In Hours (Office Hours): Come see me! Office hours are a great way to get individual or small group help in a low-stress setting.  I hold office hours in room 9174 of the science building.  My office hours for students are:
    • Mondays and Wednesdays: 11:30am-12:30pm
    • Flex Hour: I reserve 1 hour each week for meeting at other times, including Zoom sessions, which are available by appointment.  Please email me and we'll find a time that works for both of us.
    • You can also stop in anytime my door is open.  I’m here to help!
  • Office: 9177
  • Phone: 707-467-1021
  • Email:
  • Spring 2025 Student Help Hours (Office Drop-in Hours) in Science 9177 or via Zoom by request (see Canvas or message me for Zoom ID).
    • Mondays 10:30am-noon 
    • Wednesdays: 1:00pm-2:30pm
    • Thursdays: 10:30am-11:30am
    • Fridays: 2:00pm-3:00pm
    • Other times via Zoom or in Science 9177 by appointment
  • Office: 9178
  • Phone: 707-467-1004
  • Email:
  • Spring 2025 Student Help Hours (Office Hours):
    • Mondays: 2:00pm-3:00pm 
    • Tuesdays: 2:00pm-3:00pm 
    • Wednesdays: noon-1:00pm and 2:00pm-3:00pm 
    • Thursdays: 2:00pm-3:00pm 
  • Office: 9180
  • Phone: 707-468-3228
  • Email:
  • Spring 2025 Student Help Hours (Office Hours):
    • Mondays: 10:00am-11:00am
    • Tuesdays: 12:30pm-1:30pm in NASRC
    • Wednesdays: 10:00am-11:00am
    • Thursdays: 4:00pm-6:00pm via Zoom (see Canvas for Zoom link)
    • Other times are available by appointment, please email me.
  • Office: 9181
  • Phone: 707-468-3129
  • Email:
  • Spring 2025 Student Help Hours (Office Hours):
    • Mondays: 10:30am-noon
    • Tuesdays: 11:00am-noon
    • Wednesdays: 10:30am-noon
    • Fridays: 11:00am-noon
    • If the time above doesn’t work for you, please get in touch with me to make an appointment. We can work something out! 

Full-Time Faculty Biographies

Roger Ahders

Professor of Mathematics | Mathematics
Roger grew up in Cloverdale and attended Santa Rosa Junior College, graduating with an AA from SRJC. He went on to earn his BS in Mathematics from Sonoma State University and his MS in Mathematics fro...
Roger grew up in Cloverdale and attended Santa Rosa Junior College, graduating w...
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Leslie Banta

Professor of Mathematics | Mathematics
Leslie loves teaching and learning at Mendocino College (MC)! She was raised in Ukiah and attended MC herself, graduating with an AA in Liberal Arts with highest honors. She went on to earn her BA in...
Leslie loves teaching and learning at Mendocino College (MC)! She was raised in...
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Chantal Cimmiyotti

Professor of Mathematics | Mathematics
Chantal Cimmiyotti was raised on the Mendocino Coast and attended UC Santa Barbara for her undergraduate and graduate education. Chantal has a BA in Mathematics-High School Teaching track, a Master’s...
Chantal Cimmiyotti was raised on the Mendocino Coast and attended UC Santa Barba...
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Jason Edington

Professor of Mathematics | Mathematics
Jason Edington is originally from Southern California where he worked as a pizza restaurant manager, a mechanic, a vacuum salesperson, and several other odd jobs during his non-traditional path to bec...
Jason Edington is originally from Southern California where he worked as a pizza...
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Casey Terrill

Professor of Mathematics | Mathematics
Casey grew up in Santa Rosa and went to the University of San Francisco for her BS. She then went to Washington State University where she earned her MS. As a graduate student, her research focus was...
Casey grew up in Santa Rosa and went to the University of San Francisco for her ...
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Chatnaree Upton

Professor of Mathematics | Mathematics
Physics/Math InstructorChatnaree Upton was born and raised in Bangkok, Thailand. She graduated from Chulalongkorn University with a Bachelor of Science majoring in Physics and Education. While she was...
Physics/Math InstructorChatnaree Upton was born and raised in Bangkok, Thailand....
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 In addition to these full-time math instructors, we have several excellent adjunct (part-time) instructors.

**Please note that most of the textbooks and calculators are available for use in the library (on reserve) and many can be loaned out for the semester.**


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No textbook required

Covered with textbook for MTH 220

Online sections:

Additional materials are embedded into course.

Covered with textbook for MTH 121

Covered with textbook and calculator for MTH 200.

Covered with textbook and calculator for MTH 210.


Textbook Calculator (The library and some programs might be able loan you a calculator for the semester as long as supplies last) Other

Elementary Algebra, Turner (w/ Access Code), XYZ Textbooks

XYZ All-Access Pass (eBook and homework access): ISBN # 978-1-936368-56-3


Paperback w/ All Access Pass, ISBN # 978-1-63098-324-6

TI-30XIIS  / TI-34

Low Cost Option: XYZ Access Passes are valid for one year and for any book in their collection.

The Access Code is required. It comes with the All-Access Pass or a brand new textbook.

The hardcover has been discontinued: ISBN # 9781630980634

College Geometry: A Problem-Solving Approach, 2nd Edition; Musser et al (Pearson), ISBN #  9780131879690 

Textbook Calculator (The library and some programs might be able loan you a calculator for the semester as long as supplies last) Other

Elementary Technical Mathematics, 12th Edition; Ewen, Dale (Cengage), ISBN # 9781337630580

Scientific Calculator (TI-30XIIS Recommended)

Architectural Scale Ruler (Triangle Style)

TextbookCalculator (The library and some programs might be able loan you a calculator for the semester as long as supplies last)Other

Intermediate Algebra (w/Access Code), Turner/Mckeague, XYZ Textbooks

XYZ All-Access Pass (eBook and homework access) ISBN # 978-1-936368-56-3


Paperback w/ All Access Pass
ISBN #: 978-1-63098-332-1

TI-89 / TI-89 Titanium for STEM Track students (Trig., PreCalc., Calc., etc)


TI-83 or TI-84 for Non-STEM students such as those going on to MTH 220, 178, or 230.

Low Cost Option: XYZ Access Passes are valid for one year and for any book in their collection.

The Access Code is required. This is included with an All-Access Pass or a brand new textbook.

The hardcover has been discontinued: ISBN # 9781630980504

Textbook Calculator (The library and some programs might be able loan you a calculator for the semester as long as supplies last) Other

Sections with Prof. R. Ahders:

Algebra and Trigonometry, Openstax, Abramson

Sections with Other Instructors:

Trigonometry (w/ Access Code), McKeague, XYZ Textbooks

XYZ All-access pass: ISBN # 978-1-936368-56-3


Paperback w/all-access pass: ISBN # 978-1-630982-69-0


Sections w/ Prof. R. Ahders: OpenStax ofers the electronic version of their textbooks online for free.

Sections w/ Other Instructors: : Low Cost Option: XYZ Access Passes are valid for one year and for any book in their collection. 

The Access Code is required. It comes with the All-Access Pass or a brand new textbook.

No Textbook required.

TextbookCalculator (The library and some programs might be able loan you a calculator for the semester as long as supplies last)Other
Quantitative Literacy: Thinking Between the Lines, 3rd Edition; Crauder, Bruce, et. al., (Freeman), ISBN # 9781319050726TI-84 or comparable phone app

An additional course pack will be provided by the instructor on the first day of class.

High school students in dual enrollment should check with their instructor/school regrading textbooks.

Pomo Pathways students should check with their instructor/program regarding textbooks.

TextbookCalculator (The library and some programs might be able loan you a calculator for the semester as long as supplies last)Other

Fall & Spring sessions:

Sections w/ C Cimmiyotti:

Precalculus: Building Concepts and Connections (w/ Access Code), 2nd edition; Narasimhan, XYZ Textbooks

XYZ All-Access Pass (eBook and homework access): ISBN # 978-1-936368-56-3


Paperback (w/ All Access Pass): ISBN # 978-1-63098-132-7

Sections w/ C Upton:

The free eBook is integrated into Canvas. If you want a physical textbook you can get OpenStax Precalculus , OER, Abramson, Hardcover ISBN # 978-1-711494-00-5, Paperback ISBN: 978-1-711493-99-2

Summer session:

Knewton Alta Access Code, ISBN # 9781635452440.

Embedded into Canvas: OpenStax Precalculus (free eBook). If desired, a physical copy can be purchased.

TI-89 / TI-89 Titanium

Fall & Spring sessions:

Sections w/ C Cimmiyotti:

Low Cost Option: XYZ Access Passes are valid for one year and for any book in their collection.

The Access Code is required. It comes with the All-Access Pass or a brand new textbook.

Sections w/ C Upton:

You can use the eBook or get a physical copy from college library or purchase one through Kendall Hunt Publishing or other retailer.

Summer session:

Knewton Alta Access Code, ISBN # 9781635452440.

Embedded into Canvas: OpenStax Precalculus (free eBook). If desired, a physical copy can be purchased.

Textbook Calculator (The library and some programs might be able loan you a calculator for the semester as long as supplies last) Other

Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 9th Edition- Stewart, ISBN # 9781337613927

TI-89 / TI-89 Titanium


Solutions Manual for Stewart Calculus: Early Transcendentals (Ch. 1-11), 9th Edition, ISBN # 978-0357022382

Textbook Calculator (The library and some programs might be able loan you a calculator for the semester as long as supplies last) Other

Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 9th Edition- Stewart, ISBN # 9781337613927

TI-89 / TI-89 Titanium

Note: This is the same textbook as is used in MTH 210.


Solutions Manual for Stewart Calculus: Early Transcendentals (Ch. 1-11), 9th Edition, ISBN # 978-0357022382 (this is the same as the one for MTH 210)

Textbook Calculator (The library and some programs might be able loan you a calculator for the semester as long as supplies last) Other

Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 9th Edition- Stewart, ISBN # 9781337613927 which will be what was used in MTH 210 & 211 as we are phasing it in.

TI-89 / TI-89 Titanium

Note: This is the same textbook as is used in MTH 210 and 211 if you took the course recently. If you took the course a while back, you might have the older 8th edition.

Textbook Calculator (The library and some programs might be able loan you a calculator for the semester as long as supplies last) Other

Linear Algebra & Its Applications, Lay, 2015, ISBN # 978-0321982384 

TI-89 / TI-89 Titanium


Textbook Calculator (The library and some programs might be able loan you a calculator for the semester as long as supplies last) Other

Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems, David E. Penney and Charles Henry Edwards, ISBN # 9780136006138


Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems (Classic Version), 6th Edition, C. H. Edwards and David E. Penney, ISBN # 9780134995410

TI-89 / TI-89 Titanium


TextbookCalculator (The library and some programs might be able loan you a calculator for the semester as long as supplies last)Other

Sections with J. Edington, C. Cimmiyotti, and C. Upton:

The free eBook is integrated into Canvas. If you want a physical textbook you can get OpenStax Introductory Statistics, OER, Illowsky, ISBN # 978-1938168208 from the college library or purchase one online.

Note: Sections w/ Prof. J. Edington will also need Knewton Alta Access Code, ISBN # 9781635452440. Note: Summer session -you can to the monthly plan for 2 months rather than a do the term pass.


Sections with other instructors:

Please check with your instructor.

Sections with Prof. J. Edington, C. Cimmiyotti, and C. Upton:

TI-83 / TI-84 


comparable phone app 


use the free stats calculator applet linked within Canvas.

Sections with other instructors:

Please check with your instructor.

High school students in dual enrollment should check with their instructor/school regrading textbooks and calculators.

No textbook required.

Textbook Calculator (The library and some programs might be able loan you a calculator for the semester as long as supplies last) Other

Calculus for Business & Economics, Banta, 2022-2023 version

*This is a free course pack which is available the first day of class.

*For online students, you can pick up the course pack at the front desk of each of the centers and at the library on the Ukiah campus.*

TI-83 / TI-84


Covered with textbook for MTH 220

Online sections:

Additional materials are embedded into course.

No Textbook Required

No Textbook Required

Tutoring options:

  • Student Help Hours (AKA Office Hours): See your instructor’s syllabus for information about when they are available.
  • Math Lab (MTH 540/542, non-credit): Math instructors are available to help you.  This is held both online and in-person at all campus locations (Ukiah, Lake, Fort Bragg, North County). Hours vary by location.  See the class schedule for details.
  • NetTutor: Free 24-7 Online tutoring service. Access from the Learning Center website or from the Course Navigation Menu in Canvas*.
  • Peer Tutoring (EDU 500, non-credit): Free peer tutoring currently being held online.  See "Learning Center Tutoring" in the course Course Navigation Menu in Canvas*. Contact the Learning Center for more information. Email:, Phone:  707.468.3046
  • MESA Tutoring - See "MESA Tutoring" in the Course Navigation Menu in Canvas*. Contact the MESA Center for more information. Email:, Phone:  707.468.3096
  • Math Success (MTH 30, 1 unit): low-pressure course that focuses on teaching students math-specific skills that can help them to be successful in their math class.  Each week, students complete a short reading, try a new strategy in class, then complete a discussion response and reflection about how the strategy worked for them.  
  • Contact EOPS about private tutors.

*Not all courses will have these links activated in their Course Navigation Menu in Canvas.


Support ​Courses:

  • MTH 30: Math Success (1 unit)
    • Develop the study skills needed to be successful in a college-level math class in a supportive, stress-free environment
    • Take this course with your regular math class
    • No textbook required
    • Offered online
  • MTH 32/532: Support for Statistics (2 units)
    • Provides just-in-time review of algebra concepts that are key to success in Statistics
    • Offered on campus and online
  • MTH 33: Support for Trigonometry (2 units)
    • Provides just-in-time review of algebra concepts that are key to success in Trigonometry
    • No textbook required
    • Offered on campus
  • MTH 34: Support for Precalculus (2 units)
    • Provides just-in-time review of algebra and trigonometry concepts that are key to success in Precalculus.
    • No textbook required
    • Offered on campus 
  • MTH 35: Support for Calculus (2 units)
    • Provides just-in-time review of algebra, trigonometry, and precalculus concepts that are key to success in Calculus.
    • No textbook required
    • Offered on campus 
  • MTH 540: Math Lab (non-credit) and MTH 542: Math Lab for Corequisite Support (non-credit, graded P/SP/NP)
    • Offers drop-in assistance from math instructors
    • Work on assignments, get additional instruction in current topics, or review previous topics
    • No textbook required
    • Offered on campus and online