


Science Building, #9182

Office Hours:

Spring 2025

Monday:         3:30pm - 4:30pm

Tuesday:         12:00pm -1:00pm
Wednesday:   3:30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday:       12:00pm - 1:00pm
Friday:            10:00am - 11:00am

Roger grew up in Cloverdale and attended Santa Rosa Junior College, graduating with an AA from SRJC. He went on to earn his BS in Mathematics from Sonoma State University and his MS in Mathematics from Oregon State University. Roger joined the faculty at Mendocino College in 1998. 

Roger says that the best part of his job is that wonderful moment when a student who previously had trouble with math, suddenly “Gets It!” He likes teaching his students “the strategies of the game” so they can successfully solve problems on their own.

When he is not working, Roger enjoys hanging out with family, hiking, fishing, and other “outdoor stuff.” He is married and has two children.