Your Rights
An explanation of how your eligibility was determined.
A written explanation of the Mendocino College Financial Aid Program.
To be considered for a revision of your financial aid eligibility if your financial status changes.
To have your financial aid file fairly reviewed in accordance with federal and state regulations.

Your Responsibilities
Reporting, in writing, any changes to your address, name, telephone number etc.
Enrolling in the required number of units each semester per your Education Plan.
Seeing your counselor to revise your Education Plan when you add or drop classes/dropping classes you cannot attend or complete.
Maintaining satisfactory academic progress each semester.
Re-applying for financial aid each year.
Applying for Cal Grants. Complete a FAFSA and the GPA Verification Form by March 2, for entitlement grants and by September 2, for competitive grants.
Paying back any overpayment received from Mendocino College.
Paying back the Department of Education for funds owed by dropping or completing 0 units.
Notifying the Financial Aid Office in writing, if you receive any sort of financial aid from any outside agencies (e.g. Scholarships, CAMP, Voc. Rehab., MPIC, etc.).
Notifying the Financial Aid Office immediately if you are attending another college at the same time you are attending Mendocino College. (PLEASE NOTE: you cannot legally receive financial aid from two colleges at the same time, but we may be able to include the units from another college in your total).