Through study in Music students major in Music for Transfer, Instrumental Music, Vocal Music, and Recording Arts and Technology.
Through study in Music students major in Music for Transfer, Instrumental Music, Vocal Music, and Recording Arts and Technology.
Faculty & Staff
Phillip serves as Music Director of the Ukiah Symphony Orchestra, and Professor of Music at Mendocino College. He was the Assistant Conductor of the Las Vegas Philharmonic and the Henderson Symphony O...
Phillip serves as Music Director of the Ukiah Symphony Orchestra, and Professor ...
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Marilyn Bohlen Simpson was born into a musical family. She grew up singing in school and church choirs, and playing piano, violin, and baritone horn. She received a B.A. in Music and European Histor...
Marilyn Bohlen Simpson was born into a musical family. She grew up singing in s...
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Janice Hawthorne Timm (choirs, musical theatre), is originally from Montgomery, Alabama, and has lived in the Ukiah area since 1987. She currently directs the Mendocino College Choir in Ukiah & W...
Janice Hawthorne Timm (choirs, musical theatre), is originally from Montgomery, ...
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Choir Classes - Janice Hawthorne Timm, Director
- College Choir - Mondays, 6:30pm, Ukiah Campus 5310 CVPA - SATB, mostly classical. All ages welcomed (high school through elders). Register for MUS 281 (credit) or MUS 580 (non-credit)
- Willits Community Choir - Tuesdays, 5:00pm, North County Center - SATB, mostly folk and traditional music arranged for choirs. All ages welcomed (high school through elders). Register for MUS 281 (credit) or MUS 580 (non-credit)
- jazz@5 - Fridays, 5:00pm, Ukiah Campus 5340 CVPA - SATB Vocal Jazz Ensemble
- Masterworks Chorale (MUS 280) is generally available every other year. The combined choirs from Willits & Ukiah sing a larger choral work accompanied by the Ukiah Symphony Orchestra on one of their regular season concerts. The most recent performance was Fall of 2022 (Margaret Bonds' Ballad of the Brown King and Fanny Mendelssohn's Hiob).