May 28, 2020

The Hensley Creek Road and State Street intersection in Ukiah, where thousands of students, employees, and community members visit Mendocino College each week, has recently undergone some major upgrades.  

A new traffic light, which was paid for out of Mendocino College capital outlay dollars, will alleviate traffic congestion and accidents at the intersection, which have concerned the college for many years as enrollments continue to increase. Interim Superintendent/President Eileen Cichocki stated, “A traffic light at this intersection has been a goal of the college for many years. I extend my appreciation to our Director of Facilities, MacAdam Lojowsky for managing this complex project which makes it much safer for all who come and go from the college.” 

A visual component of the intersection improvements includes the installation of a digital monument sign, which is part of an overall goal the college has of increasing visibility to its beautiful campus and highlighting its many programs and services. When approached by the college, the Mendocino College Foundation, which consists of an 18 member volunteer board of directors saw the benefits of the sign and unanimously agreed to fund the sign in full. “The College Foundation Board was pleased to support the digital monument sign. It provides a permanent reminder of the presence and importance of Mendocino College. And the digital technology will provide timely reminders of activities at the Ukiah Campus,” said Tom Dow, Mendocino College Foundation Board President. 

“I am extremely grateful to the Foundation for supporting the college by funding this beautiful sign. Like the traffic light, a monument sign at this intersection has been a goal of the college for many years, it is very rewarding to see it come to fruition,” added Cichocki.