
Marsh Rose has been an adjunct faculty member at Mendocino College since 2002. She has taught Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Psychology of Stress and Coping, Personality Theories, and Introductory Psychology at Mendocino College, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder at Sonoma State University. A licensed marriage and family therapist since 1992, Marsh’s first career was as a newswriter. Then she discovered that her true love was psychology and became a staff therapist at one of the nation’s first nonprofit agencies to offer direct services to military combat veterans who suffered from PTSD. Marsh is also an author of two novels and numerous stories and essays in magazines and literary creative nonfiction journals. She lives in Cloverdale with her housemate, a professional athlete named Adin. He’s ten years old but still acts like a puppy, impressive for a rescued racetrack greyhound.