


Science Building, #9185

Office Hours:

Spring 2025

Monday:         2:30pm - 4:00pm  
Tuesday:         2:30pm - 4:00pm   
Wednesday:   9:00am - 11:00am 

Associate Professor of Psychology Fernando Calderon came to Mendocino College after working as an Associate Marriage and Family Therapist at the Orange County Children’s Therapeutics Arts Center (OCTAC) in Santa Ana California. Born in Managua, Nicaragua and a veteran of the US Marine Corps, Fernando is also an Alumni of Mendocino College with Associates Degrees in Psychology and Business.  As a student in Catherine Indermill’s Introductory Psychology, Gender, and Research Methods classes, it was clear his thirst for the subject, as well as returning to his Southern California roots, led to his transfer to the University of California Irvine where he earned his Bachelor of Art in Psychology and Social Behavior.   Working with Dr. Larry Jamner and Dr. Shayna Henry on a study with terminal dialysis patients, Fernando was further drawn towards the caring profession. 

After graduating from UC Irvine, he attended the California State University Fullerton and earned a Master of Science in Counseling with an emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy.   During his graduate studies and accompanying internship, he worked with at risk children via individual counseling, mental health assessment, anger management training, and drug and alcohol awareness.  He also conducted intensive home-based counseling that included group and family sessions.  At OCCTAC, he worked as a family advocate, oversaw individual case management, couples counseling, and worked at local schools providing group and individual mental health counseling.  He now resides in Ukiah with his wife of 16 years and their two children.