STEM Success Orientation
August 16, 2023 | 9:00am - 12:00pm

For all STEM majors or potential STEM majors - This orientation will provide you with knowledge, skills, and the mindset to excel in your program. Meet your future classmates, explore support services, and develop key learning strategies in a relaxed and fun environment.

Unleash your potential!

  • Pro Tips from instructors

  • Meet your faculty and tutors

  • Get personalized guidance

  • Learn about career paths

  • Review core math concepts


DATES: August 14 & 15 9am-2pm - August 16 9am-12pm

LOCATION: Mendocino College MESA / LLRC Building - Learning Center, Rm. 4110 / MESA Room 4120

CONTACTS: Eric Hoefler | | 707-468-3096  /  Janet Daugherty | | 707-468-3046

REGISTER NOW!  Open Reg Form


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